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PayPal Chargeback Scams

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Ivory Option Scam

The Ivory Option was an apparent substantial binary options scam. Ivory option scam successfully tricked thousands of people; it took away their hard-earned funds. Read on to know more about the fraud. If

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KontoFX Scam

KontoFX scam is an enormous shtick that is now clear as day. It does not need research or investigation to back up its crime. Crypto Victim Desk is now ready to verify and

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Magnum Options Scam

Magnum Options Scam infuriated many United Kingdom traders with its slick tactics. Formerly assumed to be a legit and honest broker, magnum options was nothing but a play enacted to steal people’s money.

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AvaTrade Scam

AvaTrade scam has led to a pile of reports and concerns coming from investors globally. However, the real question that crops up in all our minds is whether AvaTrade is genuinely a scam

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