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Charge Back Assistance

Chargebacks can cost your business a great deal of money. Whether you are a merchant or a reseller, chargeback disputes can take the wind out of your sails and cost you and your business unnecessary revenue loss.

If you can determine how much money you’re losing out on, you can shore up much greater profits from your business. Resolving and avoiding chargeback disputes can help you recover revenue even from benign.

With the chargeback solutions offered by Crypto Victim Desk, you can do away with all of your chargeback issues and establish better rapport with your customers.


A chargeback, also known as a payment dispute, occurs when a cardholder doubts a purchase and requests that the transaction be reversed by their card-issuing bank. The ability to reject a payment is intended to protect consumers from fraudulent transactions, but it may cause major issues for businesses, particularly when payments are issued incorrectly.

When a chargeback occurs, the disputed funds are withheld from the business until the card issuer resolves the issue. If the bank rejects your application, the cash will be returned to the cardholder. If the bank determines in your favor, the disputed monies will be returned to you.
Unfortunately, this can be a time-consuming and complicated process that requires a lot of paperwork and documents.


All concerns regarding disputes and revenue loss can be addressed with Charge Back Assistance. Charge Back Assistance is one of the financial services that allows such people who have been wronged to get their money back after dealing with the situation responsibly. It can also assist in comprehending the merchant’s side of the storey and verifying their services.

This can also help determine the service provider’s integrity and foster healthy connections in the event that the seller makes a payment error.

Crypto Victim Desk is a chargeback prevention company, where we help you deal squarely with your disputes and resolve them with minimal loss to your revenue. Our team of knowledgeable specialists, well-versed in chargeback protection solutions assist you with all that you need to manage your chargeback issues right.


The chargeback prevention management system from Crypto Victim Desk protects organizations from friendly fraud and enables them to intercept chargebacks as they happen. This chargeback solution is designed for organizations who want to resolve disputes and prevent fees associated with friendly and criminal fraud. Businesses can view chargeback inquiries, alerts, and notifications as they happen, enabling firms to quickly manage, respond to, and settle problems.

Connected through major integrations, this chargeback prevention solution allows you to keep track of everything and alert businesses when customers launch disputes and give them choices for dealing with them. Businesses can intercept chargebacks and deflect decisions if they know when a client launches a dispute automatically, saving time and any manual efforts.


Charge Back Assistance is a service that helps you raise and settle complaints with your merchant or broker. Our advisers meet with clients for a free consultation and gather all pertinent information about the purchase and payment. Configuring any excess charges withdrawn, further tracing, and coordinating with the merchant are the first steps. Navigating a chargeback from a crooked vendor is a time-consuming process with numerous requirements.

Crypto Victim Desk manages the complete chargeback strategy from the ground up, making your job easier. Our team of attorneys, analysts, investigators, consultants, and chargeback specialists work together flawlessly to improve your win rates. It prevents revenue losses and establishes a new consumer fund security system. Crypto Victim Desk takes your complaints seriously, files a lawsuit, gathers evidence, examines bank statements, and more.

Finally, your chargeback is approved. We try to reduce the market’s complexities by implementing solutions that provide financial independence and security.


Ushering in the digital age comes with a few mishaps, money-wise. With e-commerce platforms taking on the world, the number of the inaccuracies in payments that occur across all platforms, have increased manifold. We, at Crypto Victim Desk do not think you should pay more than the product’s worth you’re buying – which is why we aim to be one of the leading chargeback management companies in the future.

At, Crypto Victim Desk, you can expect services like –

  • Consultation Calls to Save Time Spent on Manual Reviews, Policy Changes, and Analysis
  • Guidance on How to Make Frictionless Consumer Interactions, Through Precise Evaluations
  • Access to Fraud Protection Models that are Tailored to Changing Corporate Objectives
  • Assistance in Reduction of Fraud Costs by Ensuring Protection from Criminal Fraud and Chargebacks
  • Information about Devising Better Policies to Accept More Legitimate Orders

Run your business effortlessly by resolving customer disputes without chargebacks and maintaining a comprehensive overview of fraud data and duplicate alerts. Avail the services of Crypto Victim Desk and prevent unnecessary loss of revenue for your company –

© 2022 Crypto Victim Desk. All rights reserved.

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